Membership Benefits
Membership in FASFAA consists of persons associated with the administration of student financial assistance programs in post-secondary institutions of educational or government agencies are eligible for regular membership. Persons who are working for lending institutions, secondary school systems, or private, community, or civic organizations may be associate members. Membership dues are currently $35 per year (July 1-June 30).
Members enjoy the following benefits:
- Training and Conferences—Training is essential to the financial aid profession. Members are provided with many opportunities to learn and understand the rules and regulations that govern the profession. Training is conducted at semi-annual conferences and workshops. The conferences and workshops serve as forums for the discussion of developments and issues related to financial aid and post-secondary education funding.
- Job Board—An employment exchange is available to individuals seeking employment in the financial aid field. Names and addresses of job seekers and available positions are kept on file and information is exchanged in a timely, confidential fashion.
- Newsletter—Newsletter is published to keep members in touch with issues affecting financial aid, legislative concerns, management tips and member news. Members are encouraged to submit articles and news items for publication.
- Networking—Use the online Membership Directory to keep in contact with colleagues from throughout the state. Also use the Community Forums to ask questions and post comments.