Volunteer Opportunities

FASFAA is a volunteer professional organization, and as such, depends on the talents, experience and energy of its members to achieve its goals and initiatives.  Volunteering to serve on a FASFAA committee benefits your colleagues, students and parents, as well as providing an opportunity for personal and professional development.  FASFAA encourages your participation and welcomes your involvement.  You must be a current member of FASFAA to serve on a committee.

Click Here to Access the FASFAA Volunteer Form

If you have further questions regarding the activities of a specific committee, please feel free to e-mail the appropriate contact listed on the Executive Board.

Committee Descriptions

Communication and Outreach Committee:

This committee will take our Facebook page, Instagram page, and Twitter to the next level!  I am looking for 3 – 5 volunteers to manage our posts, work with region reps and VP of training on putting together save the dates and workshop reminders.  We will also brainstorm on how to increase followers and give them a fun and educational social media experience.

Conference Committee:

The conference committee is responsible for the planning and coordination of all training, professional development and networking activities held in conjunction with the association’s annual conference. The conference serves as a great opportunity for members of the association to learn about best practices and network with colleagues. The conference committee relies on FASFAA members to volunteer to assist with the successful planning and execution of the conference.

Approximately six months before the conference, a “Call for Session Proposals” is sent to the membership. Members interested in presenting on relevant topics and/or moderating a session are encouraged to submit a proposal. There are also a variety of other ways in which members can volunteer to be a part of the conference. Subcommittees have been developed to assist with the success of the conference. There are volunteer opportunities available on the following subcommittees:

1. Local Arrangements: Secures members of the local community for certain portions of the conference programming i.e. Color Guard, Soloist and Opening Speaker; work with local vendors to achieve the desired look and feel of the conference; Execute set-up and organize logistics for multiple conference events.

2. Registration: Organizes schedule for the registration area; Ensures adequate coverage of the registration area; Assists with checking members into the conference; Puts together conference materials for attendees.

3. Electronic Services Support: Provides computer, A/V, and application support during the conference.

Electronic Services Committee:

This committee provides support to the membership, to the Executive Board, and to the other committees as needed.  We grease the wheels of the organization by maintaining the FASFAA website, creating and implementing user forms (New Member, Membership Renewal, Conference and Region Workshop Registration), updating the event calendar, maintaining the listservs and databases, and assisting with general website inquiries. 

We are responsible for maintaining the organization's equipment and for ensuring the workshops and Annual Conferences have the tools necessary to provide the best environment for the training and professional development of our members.  Be sure to select Electronic Services on the volunteer form if you'd like to be part of this team.  We look forward to working with you!

Federal and State Legislative Affairs Committee: 

This committee monitors and keeps the membership informed of the status of all federal financial aid programs, including funding and proposed legislative and regulatory changes.  They also encourage and influence the membership to respond to regulatory and legislative initiatives through communication with legislators. 

Financial Literacy / Early Awareness Committee:

To empower college students for success by providing early access to available financial resources and by instilling effective money management skills. We are committed to creating college partnerships and community outreach opportunities to increase FAFSA awareness and timely completion, to spread Financial Literacy, and to promote responsible stewardship across Florida’s post-secondary institutions.

Budget Committee:

The purpose of the Budget Committee is to provide transparency to the Executive Board and the FASFAA members on the fiscal health of the Association. The committee should also provide normal updates referencing the operating budget and the actual funds allocated. The Budget Committee should also ensure the adherence to the budgetary and fiscal policies and procedures. Lastly, the Budget Committee should provide leadership and guidance in order for a successful financial review.

Global Issues:

The purpose of the Global Issues Committee is to maintain a line of communication between current or upcoming global issues and the Executive Board. In addition to increasing multicultural membership and participation, the Committee will also be responsible for establishing synergistic interaction among members, informing the general membership of the concerns and issues related to multiple aspects of our financial aid profession.

Graduate / Professional Committee:


1.  Provide support to the graduate and professional financial aid community to assist them in serving students; and

2.  Build and strengthen the network of graduate and professional financial aid administrators in Florida.


  • Define the graduate and professional sector(s) and their needs
  • Prepare a plan to achieve the Committee's purpose
  • Work with the Annual Conference and Training Committees to ensure that graduate and professional interests are represented during the training sessions where appropriate

Membership Committee:

The main function and goal of this committee is to welcome all new FASFAA members at all FASFAA events including Regional Workshops, New Aid Officer Training and the annual Spring Conference. During the conference we plan the new member reception, staff the new member welcome table and greet new members. At the workshops the committee members would welcome new members and talk about FASFAA and explain how to get involved with the association.  

In addition, this committee maintains the FASFAA membership database for accuracy, completion and elimination of duplicate records. Our duties will include assigning new and renewed members to the appropriate groups/regions. Process memberships paid online (PayPal). Print and mail membership certificates as requested, respond to questions from the membership regarding membership status, username and passwords and other general inquiries.

Newsletter Committee:

This committee reaches out to the association membership, encouraging participation in the association newsletter through article and information submission.  Members of the committee may be involved in review and editing of newsletter submissions. Committee members can expect to spend approximately ten hours per quarter with their involvement.

Past Presidents' Committee:

This committee is made up of Past Presidents of FASFAA who provide guidance, support and insight for current FASFAA Leadership. Membership in the committee is restricted to past presidents of FASFAA and the committee is led by our current Immediate Past President.

Charity and Scholarship Committee:

This committee serves two important roles for FASFAA:  supporting our students through the Bonnie Pirkle Scholarship Program, and supporting our Annual Conference Charity.

This committee is responsible for fundraising activities for the Bonnie L Pirkle Memorial Scholarship.  FASFAA established the scholarship program as a commitment to help deserving student benefit from higher education. The scholarship was named in memory of a long-time FASFAA member, Bonnie Long Pirkle, who exemplified the highest personal and professional qualities and who embodied the spirit of camaraderie of FASFAA members. The first scholarship was awarded at the spring 1997 conference. The scholarship is still traditionally awarded during the Annual Conference. Each year at the FASFAA workshops and annual conference there are opportunities for members to make donation to this scholarship.

The committee also has responsibility for supporting the charity selected for the Annual Conference.  Each year, a local charity is selected to be the beneficiary of funds raised during the annual conference.  Members of the committee are responsible for selecting the charity and coordinating events (like raffles, silent auctions, and other activities) to raise funds to support the charity.  

Training Committee:

The FASFAA Training Committee offers our members various training opportunities throughout the year.  The committee is comprised of the VP of Training, the five Region Representatives, the Clock Hour/Vocational Chair and the Grad/Professional Chair.  New for this year we have added someone to coordinate and present webinars throughout the year.  This includes the FASFAA Leadership Education for Association Professionals (LEAP).  Together, our committee is responsible for providing content for the Fall and Spring Region Workshops, Clock Hour/Vocational Programs Workshop, New Aid Officer Workshop, Webinars and the Annual Conference.  For FASFAA to be successful, members need to participate, and being involved on a committee is very rewarding!  Join the Training Committee and help make this another great FASFAA year!

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

Vendor / Sponsor Committee:

The Vendor / Sponsor chair serves as a liaison between vendors supporting FASFAA and the Conference Committee. As part of the Sponsor Committee, an Advisory Group of Sponsors and Vendors will work together to promote participation at events, coordinate conference vending area for maximum visibility, and work to keep vendors engaged during conference events.  

Other members of the committee will work to coordinate promotional opportunities for vendors and sponsors, seek opportunities for vendors and sponsors to engage with financial aid professionals through focused workshops and other opportunities, and coordinate logistical support for vendors at the annual conference.  Potential future opportunities may include coordination with Electronic Services (for website support), Webinars and Newsletter (for promotional opportunities).

Vocational/Clock Hour Committee:

The Vocational/Technical/Clock Hour Committee will assist with the annual FASFAA Clock Hour Workshop and the annual FASFAA conference.  This will include the gathering of session topics from the membership for vetting purposes, assisting with the registration table and giving out handouts at the FASFAA Clock Hour Workshop and being a moderator at the Clock Hour sessions at the annual FASFAA conference.  This is a great opportunity to network with schools within the Clock Hour sector and of course if there are any other needs to run a successfully workshop and conference we would let you know in advance.

Volunteer Services Committee:

The Volunteer Services Committee is responsible for the facilitation of volunteer recruitment, organization, and mobilization. Responsibilities to encourage and promote volunteerism include: creation and organization of the volunteer database, follow-up with interested members to become volunteers, placement of interested members in appropriate roles within the association, mobilization of volunteers for critical organization functions, and facilitation of approved volunteer appreciation events.