President's Message

Dear FASFAA Family
Welcome to another transformative year for financial aid professionals. I’m honored to serve as your President for 2024-2025. Our theme for this year, “Galactic Guardians of a Whole New World,” embodies our mission to navigate the dynamic universe of financial aid with Care, Innovation, and Advocacy.
Our role is pivotal in shaping students' futures, opening doors, and giving hope. Let’s face continued uncertainties with passion and excitement, embracing the opportunities ahead. We are bold, fearless, compassionate, and humble- we help others. As Guardians, financial aid administrators are always committed to holistic care, innovation, and advocacy.
This year, our focus is on several key initiatives:
- FAFSA Simplification Continued! (Advocacy): Supporting members as we embrace changes to ensure students and families can navigate this new landscape.
- Student and Family Support (Care): Partnering with the Florida College Access Network and Florida Shines to provide resources and guidance for the 24-25 FAFSA.
- Strategic Plan Renewal (Innovation): Updating the Strategic Plan to strengthen our association’s foundation and continue exceptional member service.
- Training and Professional Development (Innovation): Expanding on our renowned Clock Hour Workshop and Director’s Summit with development opportunities throughout the year, while enhancing learning tracks/webinars for New Aid Professionals, and for ICUF, FCS, and SUS members.
- Leadership Development: Enhancing our leadership pipeline through our LEAP program, ensuring a bright future for our profession. (Care)
- Expand / Strengthen Business Partners Relationships (Innovation): Building new and existing relationships with Business Partners to reflect financial aid’s pivotal role on campus, and provide connection opportunities that help members innovate.
- Organization and Agency Partnership (Advocacy): Connecting with key groups like NASFAA, SASFAA, FCAN, CSA, NACUBO, TRIO, and Florida Registrars to holistically serve our students and institutions while providing members with career-growth insights in Enrollment Management.
The annual conference will be at the Orlando Grand Hyatt from May 26 to 30, 2025. The theme, “Galactic Guardians of a Whole New World (with Care Innovation and Advocacy),” reflects commitment to exploring the evolving universe of financial aid with knowledge, wellness, and collaborative innovation. Mark your calendars and prepare for liftoff! Sign up for the FASFAA Members main listserv to get emails and updates.
Your participation and engagement are critical to our collective success. I encourage you to renew your membership, volunteer, and stay connected with the FASFAA community through your Region Representative, our listserv, LinkedIn page, Facebook, or Instagram (@OfficialFasfaa). Together, we will continue to support each other and deepen community connections, making 2025 another memorable chapter in our FASFAA story.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment. Together, we are shaping the future of financial aid and continue providing access to education.
Kamia “Mia” Mwango
FASFAA President 2024-2025
[email protected]
