Speakers & Special Guests
Daniel T. Barkowitz
SASFAA President
Assistant VP of Student Financial Assistance & Employment
University of Miami
Daniel T. Barkowitz is the assistant vice president of financial assistance and employment at the University of Miami. He has served 35 years in institutions of higher education. Previous roles include assistant vice president of financial aid & veterans' affairs at Valencia College, director of financial aid at MIT, dean of financial aid/associate dean of student affairs for Columbia College and Columbia Engineering at Columbia University in the City of New York, director of operations and training for the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, and assistant director of financial aid at Boston College. Daniel has held various volunteer roles with NASFAA, SASFAA, EASFAA, FASFAA (Florida), and MASFAA (Massachusetts), including president of SASFAA for 2023-24, past president of the Florida Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (FASFAA) and the inaugural chair of the NASFAA's Commission of the Certified Financial Aid Administrator® (CFAA) Program. He served as the primary negotiator for financial aid administrators in the 2021 Federal Negotiated Rulemaking. He holds the FAAC® (Financial Aid Administrator, Certified) designation. Daniel is a recipient of FASFAA’s Distinguished Service Award, MASFAA's Presidential Award, two-time recipient of FASFAA’s President’s Recognition Award, two-time recipient of MIT's Dean of Undergraduate Education Infinite Mile Award, and the recipient of Florida College Access Network's (FCAN) Top Influencer Award. Daniel earned his Bachelor's of Science in History from Northeastern University and his Master of Education in Human Resource Education from Boston University. He earned a certificate in Professional Fundraising from Boston University. He is a published poet, musical theater actor, and Tarot card collector. Daniel has two adult children and two adorable fur-babies.
Rebecca Flake
Senior Advisor of Higher Education Services
Cooley, LLP
Rebecca Flake has worked in the financial aid industry for over 30 years and is a Certified Financial Aid Administrator. She has worked as a financial aid officer, a director of financial aid, a Title IV compliance auditor, and a consultant. Since 2011, she has served as a Senior Advisor of Higher Education Services at Cooley, LLP. She works with a team of attorneys to assist public, non-profit, and for-profit colleges and universities with various compliance matters.
Robyn Sollberger
KASFAA President-Elect
Director of Financial aid
Campbellsville University
Robyn Sollberger serves as the Director of Financial Aid at Campbellsville University in Campbellsville Kentucky. Robyn started in financial aid as a student worker at CU in 2001. She then served as a counselor for a couple of years before leaving for the Private Sector to work in accounting. She then returned to the same school to serve as the Systems Administrator, Assistant Director, and in her current role as Director. Robyn earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an Accounting Emphasis and her Master of Business Administration from Campbellsville University. She has just begun the journey of earning her PhD. After 17 years, Robyn continues to enjoy the financial aid profession. The ability to assist students in reaching their goals is priceless. Also, what other profession can you say that you truly learn something new daily? She holds multiple NASFAA U Credentials and is a NASFAA Certified Financial Aid Administrator. Robyn has held multiple positions on the Kentucky Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (KASFAA) Board and currently serves as the President-elect. Robyn has been married to Jeremy for 16 years. They spend their time offering life advice to Shelby, their 27-year-old daughter who is living her best life in Colorado; and serving as taxi, coach, and cook to Coltyn who is 14, and Braylen & Brysen, 11-year-old twins.
Chris Hessberger
Assistant Special Agent in Charge
Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Education
Chris Hessberger is a former military service member who successfully transitioned into federal service. He is the Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Inspector General for the Pembroke Pines Field Office in southeast Florida. He has worked for EDOIG for 19 years. Additionally, for the past 18 years, he has been the regional firearms and control tactics instructor. His greatest joys and accomplishments include his family, coaching his two sons in numerous sports (e.g., basketball, football, and soccer), and raising their labradoodle, Leia.
Helen Faith
Director of Student Financial Aid
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Helen Faith, FAAC®, is the director of student financial aid at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has 22 years of financial aid and higher education experience and has worked previously at Lane Community College, the University of Western States, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland State University, and the University of California, Santa Cruz. She earned her bachelor's degree in literature at UC Santa Cruz and a master's degree in education: policy, foundations, and administration at Portland State University, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in educational leadership and policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has served in several elected and volunteer roles at the state, regional, and national levels, and is a past president of the Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA) and OASFAA (Oregon). She has served on NASFAA's Board of Directors as WASFAA regional representative and representative-at-large. She has also participated in negotiated rulemaking with the U.S. Department of Education and has collaborated with several higher education associations on financial aid research and analysis projects. Helen is passionate about financial aid and higher education as critical engines for social change with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.