Region 5 - South Florida
Hello Region V,
My name is Joseph Gonzales, and I’m excited to serve as your Region V Representative. I look forward to collaborating with the hardworking and talented financial aid professionals in our region and throughout Florida.
I’ve had the great pleasure of working as a financial aid professional for more than 25 years and I relocated to Florida in 2021 to join the financial aid team at the University of Miami. I have experience at private, non-profit and public 4-year institutions and I appreciate the opportunity to work with our state association.
As we continue our journey toward “A Whole New World” I encourage you to be more involved in our regional activities and those sponsored by FASFAA. It’s easy and it’s fun! To get started just fill out the Volunteer Form.
If you have questions, suggestions, good jokes, or you have a topic you would like to present at a regional workshop, please reach out to me – [email protected].
Wishing You the Best,
Joseph Gonzales, FAAC® University of Miami FASFAA Region V Representative
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